
Annual Press Conference 2024

Heidi Brückl
»The expression 'rise to the occasion' takes on new meaning.«
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Presentations & Events
Daisy Rosemeyer-Elbers, Vanessa Frodl und Nathalie Galina
How synergies between video-on-demand and free-tv lead to success
The fragmentation of media use and a tougher battle for shares in the audience market and for advertising revenues – these are the challenges that television will face in the coming years.
Charlotte Potts
»We want to rethink news programs.«
A 60-person in-house newsroom has been established for ProSieben, SAT.1, Kabel Eins and all digital platforms. This will be bundled alongside the existing magazine editorial teams under the umbrella of the Seven.One Entertainment Group.
Florian Hirschberger
Over 1,000 advertising hours for promising Start-ups
For more than a decade, ProSiebenSat.1 has supported growth companies with unique investment models, thus creating value for the entire Group at the same time.
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