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European Media Alliance explores strategic initiatives to accelerate the transformation of the Entertainment business in Europe

EMA CEOs decided to cooperate in the strategic areas of streaming, technology and monetization to address changing media landscape at large scale European Media Alliance currently covers more than 200 million households, reaching 550 million inhabitants

Vienna, April 11, 2019. Celebrating the fifth anniversary of the European Media Alliance (EMA), the CEOs of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (GSA), Mediaset (Italy), Channel 4 (UK), Antenna Group (Southeastern Europe), Impresa Group (Portugal) and TVN Discovery Poland (Poland) yesterday convened in Vienna in the context of the international digital 4Gamechangers Festival hosted by ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 to reinforce their commitment to cooperate on strategic core areas. The EMA will serve as a common platform to start joint initiatives in video streaming, technology as well as monetization. Scale and transformational impact will be key criteria in prioritizing the joint initiatives. United in their vision to actively shape the European media industry, the EMA members strive to thus advance the digital transformation of the Entertainment business across Europe.    Max Conze, CEO of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE: “We all fundamentally believe that by international cooperation, we will obtain a competitive edge in our local markets. The European Media Alliance is the ideal platform to build such a collaboration. That is why we are now sending a strong signal of unity in addressing the most pressing issues our industry is facing. Together, we reach over 550 million possible viewers and users across Europe, leaving us with a perfect basis to scale our existing offerings and to leverage our innovative power.” Alex Mahon, CEO of Channel 4 Television: “As a public service broadcaster committed to digital innovation and serving young audiences, the joint initiatives of the European Media Alliance are fundamental to Channel 4 so I’m delighted to continue collaborating with other broadcasters across Europe to help innovate, shape and grow our industry in an increasingly competitive and fragmented media landscape.” Francisco Pedro Balsemão, CEO of Impresa Group: “Impresa is a proud and active member of EMA. We believe in strengthening cross-border collaboration between the best media companies that share the same common values and that are focused on providing high-quality and seamless solutions to users and viewers across Europe. Scale and technology will clearly give us a competitive advantage that will also help us battle giants that have created unfair monopolies.” Theodore Kyriakou, Chairman of Antenna Group: “We are proud to be part of EMA where we can contribute our insight, network and experience from our presence in multiple markets, alongside the significant combined expertise of our partners in the Alliance. Through this Alliance we all have a unique opportunity to innovate and scale existing offerings for more than half a billion viewers and users across the continent.” Piotr Korycki, CEO of TVN Discovery Poland: “As media companies, we are experienced entertainers and news broadcasters. Our current challenge and a great opportunity is how to continue doing this, as well as capturing the attention in the world where technology, language and national borders create no barriers anymore. At the same time our success will continue to depend primarily on our ability to tell great stories that connect with people.”   Markus Breitenecker, CEO of ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: “We are proud to have hosted the first EMA CEO Summit at the 4Gamechangers festival here in Vienna with our ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4 channel group. Thanks to Max Conze’s initiative, we are now able to further strengthen the vision of an European media alliance together with our partners.” The following media companies are members of the European Media Alliance: ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (GSA), TF1 (France), Channel 4 (UK), Mediaset (Italy), Mediaset Espana (Spain), MTG and Nordic Entertainment Group (Nordics), Blue TV (Turkey), TVN Discovery Poland (Poland), Antenna Group (Southeastern Europe), CME (Central and Eastern Europe), Medialaan (Belgium) and Impresa Group (Portugal). In the framework of the EMA several joint activities have been already executed, for instance, TF1 Group (France), Channel 4 (UK) and Mediaset (Italy and Spain) together with ProSiebenSat.1 operate the European Broadcaster Exchange (EBX), an independent joint venture for programmatic sale of pan-European premium video inventory headquartered in London. Furthermore, Mediaset Italy and TF1 invested in Studio71, ProSiebenSat.1’s global multi-channel platform, in 2017 and thus starting the European expansion of the online video business.

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Stefanie Rupp-Menedetter
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+49 89 9507-2598
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