Nach 25 Jahren bei ProSiebenSat.1: Thomas Wagner übergibt an Carsten Schwecke
Unterföhring, July 25, 2023. Carsten Schwecke (47) will become Head of Sales at Seven.One Entertainment Group on October 15, 2023. He will head the company's entire AdMonetization division and thus be responsible for all sales topics at Seven.One Entertainment Group. Carsten Schwecke will head the company's entire AdMonetization division and thus be responsible for all sales topics at Seven.One Entertainment Group. He takes over the position from Thomas Wagner (62), who has decided to leave the company at the end of the year at his own request after 25 years to face new challenges.
As a proven digital sales expert, Carsten Schwecke will further develop the advertising offerings of the Seven.One Entertainment Group, intensify the commercialization of Joyn as the Group's central entertainment platform, and expand the range of data-based advertising products. Schwecke was CEO of Axel Springer All Media and Media Impact until the end of 2022.
Bert Habets, Chairman of the Executive Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE: "With Carsten Schwecke at the helm of our AdMonetization unit, we will build on his digital expertise to further extend our leadership position in innovative advertising solutions, with a particular focus on advertising offers on Joyn. I am looking forward to working with him. My special thanks go to Thomas Wagner, who for many years has made Seven.One Media the most innovative sales company in Germany. For example, Thomas brought Addressable TV to Germany. In addition, Thomas has established a young, dynamic management team within our sales organization Seven.One Media, which will continue to develop the sales activities together with Carsten Schwecke. I would like to thank him for his pioneering work and forward-looking leadership of Seven.One Media, and wish him all the best for the future."
Carsten Schwecke on his future duties: "The Seven.One Entertainment Group's media offering is industry leading - on both TV and digital platforms. With Joyn and a clear focus on AVOD, the company has a highly attractive offering for the streaming advertising market. We will continue to rapidly expand our marketing solutions around Joyn, Advanced TV and data-driven products. I am very much looking forward to this new challenge!"
Thomas Wagner: "Almost exactly 25 years ago, I began a fantastic journey at and with ProSiebenSat.1. During this time, we have merged TV and digital sales, invested in ad tech companies, launched Advanced TV and reinvented TV sales. We - that means together with my great team on the management board and all the people in the various sales units. I'm really proud of that, for once quite immodestly. Now - after a quarter of a century - I have decided to say 'goodbye' in order to devote myself to topics that have not yet been addressed. I wish the Seven.One Entertainment Group and especially Seven.One Media, all the best."