Entertainment from every angle
Entertainment from every angle
The ProSiebenSat.1 User Journey
Entertainment from every angle
The ProSiebenSat.1 User Journey
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April 2023. ProSiebenSat.1 is more than just TV – we are the home of popular entertainment and infotainment and one of the leading entertainment providers in the German-speaking region. Our entertainment brands and platforms are not only addressing varied and complementary target groups in a tailored way but also provide viewers and users a unique entertainment landscape with our vast offering. Our target group-specific content ensures our relevance, exclusivity and, in particular, reach. To make this happen, we harness a range of platforms, to be wherever our viewers and users spend time: from social media through TV to our extensive digital offering centered around the streaming provider Joyn.

Our starting point is always the world of our programming: We continuously work to make our offerings even more attractive to viewers and users. This also means that we are continuously developing our formats further. Year after year, we energize evergreens like "The Voice of Germany" with innovative ideas – hence, audiences can now experience "The Voice of Germany" fully across our entertainment universe. Our aim is to create long-term, broad-based loyalty to our brands among viewers and users. One of them is 25-year-old Laura, who is following the 12th season of our highlight format in fall 2022.

Come along on Laura's unique journey through our entertainment landscape.

© ProSieben/SAT.1/Richard Hübner
© ProSieben/SAT.1/Richard Hübner
The future of TV
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Clemens Mulokozi & Dr. Martin Emele
"When children do sports, they speak one language."
“UKIMWI” is spelled out in capital letters on the ground of the dusty sports field in Bukoba, Tanzania. Ukimwi is Swahili, and it means AIDS. The children from the elementary school put the word together using lots of little wooden sticks.
New high-tech home for the news
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