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DISCLOSURE OF AN INSIDE INFORMATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 17 MAR OF THE REGULATION (EU) NO. 596/2014: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Andreas Wiele will not stand for re-election – search for successor initiated immediately

Unterföhring, January 24, 2025. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, Dr. Andreas Wiele, today informed the company's Supervisory Board and Executive Board that he will not seek a further term of office as a member and Chairman of the Supervisory Board after the regular expiry of his term of office. Andreas Wiele therefore intends to step down from the Supervisory Board at the end of the Annual General Meeting on May 28, 2025. This announcement also immediately initiates the orderly search by the Supervisory Board and the Nomination Committee for a suitable successor, with the aim of submitting a proposal to the regular Annual General Meeting in May 2025.

Group Communications
Stefanie Rupp-Menedetter
Spokeswoman / Executive Vice President Group Communications
+49 89 9507-2598
Bert Habets
»That is the beauty of the brand name: join us and start creating new formats for this platform.«
Our Group CEO Bert Habets was a guest in the “Late Night Berlin” studio and spoke with host Klaas Heufer-Umlauf about his start at ProSiebenSat.1, his plans for the company and the role of the streaming platform Joyn. Watch the complete interview in the video!
Clemens Mulokozi & Dr. Martin Emele
"When children do sports, they speak one language."
“UKIMWI” is spelled out in capital letters on the ground of the dusty sports field in Bukoba, Tanzania. Ukimwi is Swahili, and it means AIDS. The children from the elementary school put the word together using lots of little wooden sticks.
Nina Kaiser
»Teamwork makes the dream work!«
We talked to Nina Kaiser, co-founder of the 4GAMECHANGERS Festival - about the turbulent beginnings in 2016, her very personal festival highlights as well as challenges that had to be overcome.
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