January 2012: Audience shares of the ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland TV station group/ Preview of coming attractions in February
January 2012: Audience shares of the ProSiebenSat.1 TV
Deutschland TV station group/ Preview of coming attractions in
Unterföhring, February 1, 2012. The German TV
station family of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group - consisting of SAT.1,
ProSieben, kabel eins and sixx - achieved a combined market share
of 28.1 percent in January 2012, reflecting an increase of 1.1
percentage points over January of last year.
As for the TV stations individually, SAT.1 drew a monthly
audience share of 9.9 percent, ProSieben 11.6 percent, kabel eins
5.8 percent and sixx 0.8 percent.
Preview of coming attractions on SAT.1: February of
premieres in all genres!
Fresh comedy formats: "Die Dreisten Drei -
jetzt noch dreister" starts February 1 and Martina Hill goes on the
air in "Knallerfrauen," starting February 3.
Powerful shows: The successful and highly
acclaimed music show "The Voice of Germany" reaches the semi-final
round on February 3 and the final round on February 10. On February
17 and 24, celebrity couples will risk it all in "Mein Mann
Big-time sporting events: On February 5, SAT.1
will air a live broadcast of the world's single biggest sporting
event, the Superbowl. Also in February, SAT.1 will broadcast the
round-of-16 matches of the top league in soccer, the UEFA Champions
Blockbuster movies and series: In February,
SAT.1 will air in-house productions of TV movies starring Yvonne
Catterfeld, Hannes Jaenicke and Stefanie Stappenbeck, among others.
Another February highlight will be the TV event of the spring, "Die
Rache der Wanderhure." On February 28, SAT.1 will broadcast the
continuation of the most successful TV movie of 2010 (32.4
percent), with Alexandra Neldel. And new episodes of the hit SAT.1
series "Der letzte Bulle" and "Danni Lowinski" start on February
Premiere broadcast of hit U.S. series: "The
Mentalist" (February 5), "Criminal Minds" (February 16), "Navy CIS
L.A." (February 16), "Navy CIS" und "Hawaii Five-0" (since January
Preview of coming attractions on ProSieben: the most
beautiful month of the year!
World's greatest model show: "Germany's next
Topmodel - by Heidi Klum" starts February 23.
Taking a stand: The second annual "Tolerance
Day" on ProSieben will air Sunday, February 19, in cooperation with
the German UNESCO.
Movie-quality science fiction: Mondays at 8:15
p.m. starting February 27, dinosaurs menace a colony of time
travelers in the U.S. sci-fi series "Terra Nova" (produced by
Steven Spielberg, among others).
Anniversary of a "fad sport": On March 10,
Stefan Raab will race down the ice track in his wok, for the tenth
year in a row. And one week later, he will seek to raise the
jackpot to 1.5 million euros in "Schlag den Raab."
Preview of coming attractions on kabel eins: Happy
20th birthday!
The action hero in February: Mondays on kabel
eins, Jackie Chan will smash lots of china in "Shang-Hai Noon" and
"Jackie Chan - Spion wider Willen" on February 6 and in "Shanghai
Nights" and "Jackie Chan: Drunken Master" on February 13.
The best movies of all time: "There will be
Blood" with Daniel Day Lewis as a ruthless social climber on
February 15.
Anniversary week from February 22 to March 1:
In the week around the TV station's anniversary on February 29,
2012, kabel eins will thank its viewers with a special program that
includes fantastic highlights from fiction programs, including
movie classics like "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod" and "The
The crowning event will be left to the viewers to decide.
Starting in mid- February, they will be able to vote for their
preferred double-feature at www.kabeleins.de. They can
choose two movies starring Tom Hanks, Sean Connery and Kevin
Costner. kabel eins will air the winning selections on March 1,
2012, at 8:15 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.
Preview of coming attractions on sixx: suspense, cuisine
and lots of feeling in February!
Incomparable cuisine: Starting February 2,
2012, "Jamies 30 Minuten Menüs: Genial geplant, blitzschnell
gekocht" will be aired for the first time as an unencrypted
broadcast Monday to Friday at 4:55 p.m. And starting February 21,
"Jamie unterwegs … Geniale Rezepte gegen Fernweh" will be aired for
the first time as an unencrypted broadcast Tuesdays at 11:15
Suspense- and not only for chickens: The German
broadcast premiere of "Enttarnt - Verrat auf höchster Ebene" will
be aired February 4, 2012 at 8:15 p.m. Movie-Classixx will feature
Keanu Reeves in "Dem Himmel so nah" and "The Watcher" on February
25, 2012. And for the sixx "Snuggle Evening," viewers will be
treated to the first-time unencrypted broadcast of the war drama
"Stop-Loss" on February 29 at 10:00 p.m.
Kisses from sixx: The woman's channel sixx has
something very special planned for Valentine's Day, February 14: a
program of kissing-themed movies, including: "Küss Dich reich,"
"Griechische Küsse," "Stadt, Land, Kuss" and "Kiss of a
Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung / TV Scope / All households
(Germany + EU)/ provisionally weighted 01/28-31/2012 / All audience
share data refers to viewers aged 14-49 years/ SevenOne Media
Audience Research
If you have any questions, please contact:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Corporate Communications
Susanne Lang
Tel: 089-9507-1183