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ProSiebenSat.1 Annual General Meeting Appoints New Supervisory Board

SAP CFO Dr. Werner Brandt becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Munich, June 26, 2014. At today's Annual General Meeting, the shareholders of ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG elected a new Supervisory Board. Following the meeting, Dr. Werner Brandt, CFO of SAP AG until June 30, 2014, was appointed as the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Philipp Freise, Partner at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Partners LLP (KKR), as Vice Chairman. The Annual General Meeting also appointed the other candidates to the controlling body by a large majority. The new Supervisory Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG comprises the following nine members: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Werner Brandt, CFO, Human Resources and Labor Relations Director of SAP AG, Walldorf/Germany Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Philipp Freise, Partner at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Partners LLP (KKR), London/UK (member of the Supervisory Board since March 2007) Lawrence A. Aidem, co-founder, President and CEO of Iconic Entertainment Inc., New York/USA Antoinette (Annet) P. Aris, Adjunct Professor of Strategy at INSEAD, France Adam Cahan, Senior Vice President Mobile and Emerging Products at Yahoo Inc., Sunnyvale/USA Stefan Dziarski, Principal at Permira Beteiligungsberatung GmbH, Frankfurt am Main/Germany (member of the Supervisory Board from June 2008 to June 2009 and since May 2012) Dr. Marion Helmes, CFO and Speaker of the Management Board of Celesio AG, Stuttgart/Germany (until July 15, 2014) Erik Adrianus Hubertus Huggers, Senior Vice President and President at Verizon Communications, New York/USA Prof. Dr. Harald Wiedmann, auditor, lawyer, tax advisor at Gleiss Lutz Hootz Hirsch Partnergesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten, Steuerberatern, Berlin/Germany (member of the Supervisory Board since March 2007) In addition, the Annual General Meeting approved all further proposed resolutions put to vote by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board by a large majority. The shareholders of ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG resolved to distribute a dividend of EUR 1.47 per common share for the 2013 financial year. This equates to a total payout of EUR 313.4 million and a payout ratio of 82.5%, and is in line with the ProSiebenSat.1 dividend policy. The dividend will be paid out on June 27, 2014. In addition, the Annual General Meeting granted discharge to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board for the 2013 financial year by a large majority (each more than 99% of the valid votes). Since August 2013, ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG has had a single share class, whereupon at this year's Annual General Meeting every share carries a voting right for the first time. As a result of the exit of the former major shareholders KKR and Permira in January 2014, 97.5% of the shares are currently held in free float. Around 350 shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests attended the Annual General Meeting at the Event-Arena in the Munich Olympiapark. The attendance rate was around 52%. Contact: Julian Geist
Corporate spokesman ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone +49 [89] 95 07-1151
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-91151 Email:

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