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ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland: Katja Hofem to be Managing Director at kabel eins / Karl König joins management of TVD

Eun-Kyung Park becomes Managing Director of sixx
Marc Rasmus to head SAT.1 Gold

Unterföhring, January 17, 2013. Effective immediately, ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland CEO Jürgen Hörner has appointed Katja Hofem (42) Managing Director at kabel eins. Hofem will be succeeded at sixx by her co-Managing Director, Eun-Kyung Park (34). Karl König (46), former Managing Director of kabel eins, will join the management of ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland. As Managing Director Programming & Operations, König will be responsible for program scheduling, U.S. fiction, channel operations and cross media, as well as the German group's efforts for the protection of young people. Jürgen Hörner, who heads the management at ProSiebenSat.1 TV: "With Katja Hofem and Eun-Kyung Park, two strong, creative women now head our most profitable station, kabel eins, and our fastest-growing one, sixx. I'm very sure that with their expertise and efficacy at getting things done, they'll set a new tone at both stations. Under Karl König's leadership, kabel eins has completely reconfigured its daytime schedule over the past few years and established the "ran" brand with the Europa League. He has been one of my closest colleagues for more than ten years, and his knowledge will contribute important new ideas to the management of ProSiebenSat.1 TVD." The head of SAT.1 Gold (goes on the air this evening, 8:13 pm) will be Marc Rasmus (39). He will report to SAT.1 Managing Director Nicolas Paalzow, who is in charge of the entire SAT.1 portfolio of brands. Jürgen Hörner: "SAT.1 Gold is the latest example of our brand portfolio strategy. We'll be managing new stations under a single roof, so that they can grow strong within their brand family. The managing directors at our major stations SAT.1 and ProSieben are also responsible for all the other brands in their family, whether free TV, pay TV or online. That lets us systematically continue developing the brands we already have and fill new growth fields in our programming market." Brief biographies:
Karl König has been in charge of business at kabel eins since April 2011. He began his career with the Group in 2000 as a head editor at the ProSieben main editorial office, and later worked as a department head and deputy editor-in-chief at ProSieben. From 2009 he was Strategy Officer at ProSiebenSat.1 TVD. Since 2010, Katja Hofem has conceived and headed sixx, formerly the Group's youngest station, which actually doubled its audience share last year. As Senior Vice President New Channel Development, she also worked with Marc Rasmus to develop the new station SAT.1 Gold. Eun-Kyung Park joined the ProSiebenSat.1 Group in 2009, and was Managing Director at ProSiebenSat.1 Digital, in charge of online, mobile and Hbb TV operations. In 2012 she became co-Managing Director at sixx and Vice President TV 3.0 at ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland. Marc Rasmus joined ProSiebenSat.1 TVD in 2010 as Vice President Docutainment & Reality, and since 2012 has been Strategy Officer New Channel Development, in charge of developing the new station SAT.1 Gold. For more information:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Diana Schardt
Deputy SVP Communications/PR
Phone: +49 / 89 / 9507-8020

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