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ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland: Market shares in May 2012

Unterföhring, June 1, 2012. The German TV station family of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group - SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins and sixx - achieved a combined audience share of 28.7 percent in May 2012. Winner of the month is SAT.1 with a market share of 11.0 percent - marking a plus of 0.1 percentage points in comparison to the previous month (April 2012: 10,9%) and a gain of 0.4 percentage points over their audience share in the same month last year (May 2011: 10,6%). With the monthly value in May, the four TV stations of ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH were well ahead of the Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland by 2.4 percentage points (RTL, Vox, Super RTL, n-tv: Mai  2012 - 26,3 percent market share). The TV stations of ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH in detail: SAT.1 attracted an audience share of 11.0 percent in May 2012, ProSieben 11.4 percent, kabel eins 5.4 percent and sixx 0.9 percent.

Basis: All TV households in Germany (Integrated TV Panel D+EU)
Source: AGF/ GfK-Fernsehforschung / TV Scope / ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland Audience Research
Prepared on: 06/01/2012 (preliminary weighted: 05/28-05/31/2012)
Unless otherwise noted, all audience share figures refer to the 14-to-49-year-old demographic. Contact:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Corporate Communications
Susanne Lang
Phone: 089-9507-1183

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