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ProSiebenSat.1 TV Germany gains in August

Unterföhring, September 1, 2011. The German TV station family of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group (SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins and sixx) generated a combined audience share of 29.4 percent in August 2011. Thus, the TV station group increased its audience share by 1.1 percentage points compared to the preceding month of July. Here are the audience shares of the individual TV stations: SAT.1 generated 10.8 percent (+0.7 percentage points compared to July), ProSieben 11.5 percent, kabel eins 6.5 percent and sixx 0.6 percent. ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH was well ahead of the media group RTL Deutschland (RTL, Vox, Super RTL. n-tv), which drew an audience share of 28.4 percent in August. SAT.1:
Ratings highlights in August: The new "Series Thursday" was successfully introduced, with "Navy CIS: L.A." generating an audience share of up to 12.2% and "Hawaii Five-0" up to 13.0%. Bayern's 2:0 victory over FC Zürich in the "ran" UEFA Champions League drew an average audience share of 20.3%. "Super-Series Sunday" was equally successful, featuring "Navy CIS" (up to 16.5%), "The Mentalist" (up to 15.5%) and "Criminal Minds: Team Red" (impressive audience share of 21.5%). And "Great SAT.1 Films" also got off to a good start, with "Plötzlich fett!" attracting an audience share of 17.3%.
Program preview for September: Starting September 13, Harald Schmidt will "finally be home again" with the new reality formats "Messie-Alarm!" (starting September 11) and "Babyalarm! Teeniemütter in Not" (starting September 18). Tuesday evenings will feature the new "Great SAT.1 Movies": "Ausgerechnet Sex," "Flaschendrehen," "Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?" and "Die letzte Spur - Alexandra, 17 Jahre." And September 23 will be a great movie night for the family, with the premiere broadcast of "Wickie und die starken Männer." ProSieben:
Ratings highlights in August: The finale of "V - Die Besucher" attracted an audience share of 15.9%, the first episode of "Body of Proof" 13.1% and the new episodes of "Desperate Housewives" 15.1%. On "Comedy Tuesdays," "Die Simpsons" and "Two and a Half Men" generated audience shares of up to 13.6% and 17.1%, respectively.
Program preview for September: "Hangover-Day" (4.9.), "TV total" is back on the air starting September 5, U.S. sit-coms "The Big Bang Theory" and "How I Met Your Mother" will start on September 6 and 7, respectively. "Der ProSieben Glücksreport - Wie werde ich glücklich?" goes on-air September 10, followed by "Schlag den Raab" September 17. kabel eins and sixx:
Please refer to the separate press releases for their ratings highlights and program previews.
Basis: All television households in Germany (Integrated TV Panel Germany + EU)
Source: AGF/GfK-Fernsehforschung / TV Scope / ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland Audience Research
Conducted: 09/01/2011 (provisionally weighted: 08/28 - 08/31/2011)
Unless otherwise noted, all figures refer to the segment of 14-49 year-olds. If you have any questions, please contact:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Corporate Communication
Dagmar Brandau
Tel: 089-9507-2185

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