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SevenOne International sells “Mama’s Big Cook-Off” to Turkey

Munich, December 13, 2011. SevenOne International sold the production rights to the refreshing culinary game show "Mama's Big Cook-Off" to GiFT productions in Turkey. Bodo Braun, Sales Director German-speaking and Turkey says "'Mama's Big Cook-Off' is an exciting new cooking show with a fantastic twist: proud sons showcasing the best cooks in the world - their mothers! We are delighted to have found a strong partner in GiFT Productions. And Turkish viewers will without a doubt be astonished by the culinary skills their country has to offer!" Gokhan Mutlay co-founder of GiFT Productions comments "Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage as she didn't have to hear about the way his mother cooked. Like in any other Mediterranean country, a mothers cooking plays a prominent role in Turkish men's heart." "Our drama background will help us reveal the stories of sincere and warm relationships between mothers and sons and turn the show into a success" added Fatih Cesur, co-founder of GiFT Productions. Mama's Big Cook-Off
"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". This culinary game show, created by the RedArrow Group, combines the nostalgic feel of home cooking and a thrilling competition element. Two mothers compete against each other in cooking their son's favourite meal. And in the end it's the sons who decide in a blind tasting session, which mom prepared the better dish. The winning recipe is published in the "Mama's Big Cook-Off" cookbook which also includes her photo and her personal story. GiFT Productions
GiFT Productions is a newly established Format Production Company in partnership with TIMS Productions, which produces hit drama series and feature films. SevenOne International
SevenOne International is the worldwide programming sales company of Red Arrow Entertainment Group, a ProSiebenSat.1 Group company. ProSiebenSat.1 is the second-largest broadcasting group in Europe, reaching more than 67 million TV households. SevenOne International offers an extensive portfolio of TV events, TV movies, telenovelas, prime-time series and mini-series, as well as magazine shows and entertainment formats. In addition, SevenOne International markets and co-finances the programs of third-party producers. The company is headquartered in Unterföhring, just outside of Munich. Contact: Stefanie Prinz
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone +49 [89] 95 07-1199
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-91199
Email: Isabelle Fedyk
SevenOne International
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone +49 [89] 95 07-2322
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-92322
Email: Press release online:

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