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ProSiebenSat.1 reduces term loans by EUR 1.2bn

- Further improvement of capital structure and maturity extension of large part of remaining term loans to 2016
- Further improvement of capital structure and maturity extension of large part of remaining term loans to 2016
- Amendment of facility agreements successfully completed

Munich, August 3, 2011. ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG has successfully completed the amendment and extension of its debt facilities. The ProSiebenSat.1 Group's lenders have agreed to partial extend the maturity of the term loans from July 2014 and July 2015 to July 2016 in the amount of EUR 2.1bn. At the same time ProSiebenSat.1 will use EUR 1.2bn of proceeds from the recently completed disposals of its Belgian and Dutch assets for the partial prepayment of its existing term debt. The repayment will take place in August. Total term loans post repayment will amount to EUR 2.4bn. Axel Salzmann, CFO of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group commented: "I am very satisfied with the strong support our amendment and extension offer has received among our lenders. This underpins the good standing of ProSiebenSat.1 Group in the capital markets. With the successful completion of the proposed amendments we are pursuing our policy of proactively managing our capital structure. The repayments will result in a significant immediate reduction of our term debt and interest expense, while the extension will further improve the company's maturity profile." Contact: Julian Geist
Corporate Communications
ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone. +49 [89] 95 07-11 51
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-911 51
E-mail: Katrin Schneider
Corporate Communication
ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG
Medienallee 7
D-85774 Unterföhring
Phone. +49 [89] 95 07-11 64
Fax +49 [89] 95 07-911 64
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