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RED NOSE DAY 2010: So far, 1,283,664 euros have been raised for children in need

Unterföhring, November 26, 2010. After the four main campaign days of RED NOSE DAY 2010 on kabel eins, sixx, ProSieben and SAT.1, the TV station group is proud to report a fantastic interim result for 2010: To date, 1,283,664 euros have been raised by way of phone calls, SMS and online donations. Thanks to the numerous celebrities who participated in this campaign: Sonya Kraus, Jumbo Schreiner, the POPSTARS, the teams of SAT.1 ran and SAT.1-Frühstücksfernsehen and many more appealed for donations, gathered first-hand impressions of needy causes, worked the donations hotline or even carried donation cans around themselves. And thanks to our strong partners: The STARLIGHT EXPRESS ensemble and Grippostad C / STADA also helped by contributing enormous donations.

Andreas Bartl, Managing Director Television of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group: Thank you! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this tremendous fundraising result: viewers, celebrities and partners. RED NOSE DAY, the charity event of the four TV stations of ProSiebenSat.1 TV Germany, really gathered momentum this year. This outcome gives us millions of reasons to continue our engagement in 2011, for the ninth year in a row.

RED NOSE DAY 2010 will continue to the end of this year! The total proceeds raised through that time will be used to support the ongoing projects of this years selected aid organizations: Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V., Die Arche e.V., Kindernothilfe e.V., Off Road Kids Stiftung and Comic Relief.

For more information on RED NOSE DAY, please visit

A photograph of Grippostad C/ STADA presenting a check for EUR 100,000 to RED NOSE DAY 2010 can be obtained from OBS.

Press contact:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Dagmar Brandau
Communication/ PR
Corporate Communication
Tel.: 089/9507-2185

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