Six nominations for ProSieben and SAT.1 productions at the “German Comedy Awards 2011”
Unterföhring, September 1, 2011. The formats and artists of
ProSieben and SAT.1 are still creating good cheer for all. A total
of six ProSieben and SAT.1 productions have been tapped for the
"German Comedy Awards 2011." They include: "TV total" (ProSieben)
as Best Late Night Show, "Ladykracher" (SAT.1) and "Switch
reloaded" (ProSieben) as Best Sketch Comedy and "Fröhlicher
Frühling mit Wolfgang & Anneliese" (SAT.1) as Best Comedy
Event. In addition, "Danni Lowinski" (SAT.1) and "Pastewka" (SAT.1)
were nominated for the category Best Comedy Series.
Furthermore, Bastian Pastewka ("Pastewka," SAT.1) and his female
colleagues Annette Frier ("Danni Lowinski," SAT.1) and Anke Engelke
("Ladykracher," SAT.1) can hope to win awards in the categories of
Best Actress or Actor. Furthermore, Max Giermann ("Switch
reloaded," ProSieben) and Carolin Kebekus ("Die Wochenshow," SAT.1)
are among the nominees in the category of Best Comedian or
The awards ceremony will be held in the Cologne Coloneum on 18
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Christina Kusterer
Tel. +49 [89] 9507-7299