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Intensive program power: Next week, for four days, the RED NOSE DAY 2011 is calling out for donations on four channels!

Unterföhring, November 30th 2011 - On Monday December 5th, the kick-off begins: This year the RED NOSE DAY has reached its peak and will be on air for the ninth time. From December 5th until the 8th, potential donators will be encouraged through articles, broadcasts, and celebrity shout-outs all around the big charity event - on all German Free-TV channels of the ProSiebenSat.1-Group: SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins and sixx.  Help that arrives: All donations to the RED NOSE DAY are directly passed on to children's aid organizations, which have been selected again this year from the RED NOSE DAY e.V. committee. In 2011, the following aid organizations are being supported: Die Arche, Kindernothilfe e.V., Off Road Kids, SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. and Comic Relief. Variety program: The RED NOSE DAY 2011 begins on Monday December 5th 2011, on sixx. There the audience will be encouraged to donate through a permanent logo, a trailer with celebrity shout-outs, captions, and inserts. On Tuesday December 6th 2011, ProSieben's format "taff"(5.00 p.m.), will show how "Germany's next top model"-candidates Rebecca Mir and Amelie Klever dedicated themselves to the "Kids Camp" of the "Off Road Kids" in Bad Dürrheim. From Monday, December 5th, until Thursday the 8th the "SAT.1-Frühstücksfernsehen" will have celebrity studio guests and representatives of the children's aid organizations - including Pastor Bernd Siggelkow, founder of Christian children's and youth work" Die Arche" and Gabrielle Polle, the head of "SOS-Kinderdorf Sauerland" every morning starting 5.30 a.m. kabel eins will finish off the RED NOSE DAY-event week on Thursday, December 8th, 2011 with "Abenteuer Leben - täglich Wissen" (5.50 p.m.): A reporter team visited the partner organization of the children's aid organization, Child Restoration Outreach (CRO), in Lira and accompanied the street worker at work for the security and education of the street kids in northern Uganda.  Strong partners supporting our help: We would like to thank the ensemble of the musical STARLIGHT EXPRESS, Grippostad® C von STADA and spendino GmbH.  For more information about the RED NOSE DAY and all donation opportunities go to Press contact:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Dagmar Brandau
Communication/ PR
Corporate Communication
Tel.: 089/9507-2185

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