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November numbers: Audience shares of the ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland TV station group

Unterföhring, December 1, 2010. In November, the German TV station group of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group, comprising SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins and sixx (data not yet assessed), achieved a combined audience share of 28.4 percent.
By TV station, SAT.1 achieved an audience share of 11.0 percent (+ 0.2%), ProSieben 11.6 percent and kabel eins 5.8 percent.

Highlights of the TV station group in November:
SAT.1 scored big with Die Säulen der Erde (average audience share 25.9 percent) and the 4:0 victory of FC Bayern München in Cluj in the ran UEFA Champions League (19.7 percent).
On ProSieben, Fluch der Karibik generated audience shares of 23.3 (Part 1) and 23.8 percent (Part 2). Schlag den Star also delivered top ratings, with audience shares of up to 17.8 percent.
On kabel eins, Two and a Half Men (17.8 percent), Abenteuer Leben täglich Wissen (10.6 percent) and MATILDA (9.0 percent) were highly popular with viewers.

Saving the best for last: After the four main campaign days of RED NOSE DAY 2010 on kabel eins, sixx, ProSieben and SAT.1, the TV station group can report an outstanding interim result for 2010: 1,283,664 euros have been raised to date via call-ins, SMS and online donations.

Source: AGF/GfK Fernsehforschung / TV Scope / All households (D+EU)/ 11/27-30/2010, provisionally weighted / All audience share figures refer to viewers aged 14-49 / SevenOne Media Audience Research

For further information:
ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH
Corporate Communication
Marlene Rattei
Tel: 089-9507-1174

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