

Close your eyes and watch – A blind man entering TV
»Blind and TV go togehter quite well«
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Accessibility from subtitles for “Forrest Gump“ to sign language
Accessible content: ProSiebenSat.1 as a pioneer among the private media
Accessibility from subtitles for “Forrest Gump“ to sign language
Jolanda Feigl
»Innovative forms of advertising are more in demand than ever.«
Advertising that doesn’t feel like advertising? That’s an art Jolanda Feigl has mastered.
Frank Wolkenhauer
Win-Win: How employees and the employer benefit from parental leave
Parental leave is a great opportunity to experience the intense early days with your own baby and to develop a strong bond, says Frank Wolkenhauer, Senior Editor Communications/PR Entertainment at ProSiebenSat.1 and father.
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