Climate and environmental protection is an increasingly important aspect of film and TV productions.
Green Productions
With the "Sauber gedreht!" initiative, the Seven.One Entertainment Group launched an extensive catalog of measures in 2019 to become greener in productions. A total of 14 goals were formulated for ecologically sustainable TV and film productions. The catalog of measures provides production companies with concrete recommendations for action to reduce CO2 emissions and protect resources. Four fields of action have been defined for this purpose:
- avoidance/reduction of CO2 emissions.
- protection of our natural resources
- avoidance of environmentally harmful substances and poisons
- reduction of plastic and waste in general
ProSiebenSat.1 is also a member of the "Green Shooting" task force. Founded in 2017 by MFG Baden-Württemberg, the working group includes the most important German film companies and institutions in German film production, with the common goal of making productions as environmentally and climate-friendly as possible. One important result of the initiative: A broad alliance of industry representatives from the German film, TV and VoD market has been producing a large part of their content in a climate- and resource-friendly way since 2022 and has developed uniform ecological standards for sustainable productions for this purpose. ProSiebenSat.1 is also one of the signatories to the binding voluntary commitment. In close cooperation with the FFA, the film funding organizations of the federal states and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the "Green Shooting" working group has further developed the ecological standards with the support of sustainability expert Philip Gassmann, the Ökopol Institute and the filmmakers' initiative. Since 2023, compliance with these uniform nationwide ecological standards has been a mandatory requirement for receiving funding for the production of films and series.