

Clemens Mulokozi & Dr. Martin Emele
"When children do sports, they speak one language."
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Our Responsibility
Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
"Tomorrow's world is what we make of it today."

The sustainability initiative #OneTomorrow stands for our overall commitment and activities as ProSiebenSat.1 Group on the topic of sustainability. We take our corporate and social responsibility as a media group seriously and want to link sustainability aspects even more closely with ProSiebenSat.1 's corporate strategy in the future.

The initiative is based on the three pillars Climate & Environment, Diversity & Inclusion and Society, derived from the strategic action areas of our sustainability strategy.

Climate & Environment bundles our internal and external activities in all segments that serve climate protection and the achievement of climate targets. "GreenSeven Week" or various environmental theme days are just a few examples that address the topics of climate and environment.

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Commerce & Ventures
Shaping the future of sports together
With a combination of capital and media volume, the investment vehicle SevenGrowth acquired a stake in Urban Sports Club in June 2021 – the fastest growing sports and fitness platform in Europe.
Bert Habets
»That is the beauty of the brand name: join us and start creating new formats for this platform.«
Our Group CEO Bert Habets was a guest in the “Late Night Berlin” studio and spoke with host Klaas Heufer-Umlauf about his start at ProSiebenSat.1, his plans for the company and the role of the streaming platform Joyn. Watch the complete interview in the video!
Sven Pietsch
Informing with self-awareness and contributing to the formation of opinion
As a matter of conviction, Seven.One Entertainment Group decided to take a strong stance and afford far greater scope to socially relevant topics in its programming in 2021.
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