

ParshipMeet Group
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Action Areas

ProSiebenSat.1 Group is aware of its ecological responsibility. Therefore, together with our employees and in dialog with our external stakeholders, we want to make our contribution to mitigating climate change and protecting our environment. We have set climate neutrality as a central, Group-wide target for 2030. Since the target was set in 2019, we have therefore continually reduced our operational emissions. In 2023, we can report a reduction by 13% year-on-year.

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets

Operational carbon neutrality

by 2030

At our Unterföhring site – the Group’s headquarters – we supply our office buildings, production studios, and data centers exclusively with green electricity. As an energy source for space heating, ProSiebenSat.1 prefers to use district heating from renewable sources, such as geothermal energy at its headquarters. We also use the waste heat from our data centers as heating energy. The ongoing conversion to LED lighting in our offices and production studios is also contributing to increased energy efficiency. In addition, sustainability certification in accordance with the LEED model (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is planned as part of the new construction project at the campus in Unterföhring.


As ProSiebenSat.1's decarbonization strategy aims for a high level of ambition and intends to make a science-based contribution to the global 1.5 degree target, we are currently working on a climate target in line with the requirements of the Science Based Targets Initiative. Founded by the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), this initiative aims to support companies in developing and implementing scientifically sound strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

With the "Clean shoot!" initiative, Seven.One Entertainment Group developed an extensive package of measures in 2019 to make film and television productions more sustainable: The initiative defines requirements and recommendations for production companies on how to reduce CO2e emissions and conserve resources. The package of measures was also applied in full during the financial year 2023. As a member of the Green Shooting working group, the Group works with numerous representatives of the film and television industry as well as with film funding institutions to continue developing the industry-wide ecological standards for audiovisual production adopted in October 2021.


ProSiebenSat.1 uses its large reach to raise awareness for sustainability especially among young viewers.
In October 2023, Green Seven Week took place for the 15th time.

Operational responsibility for recording and consolidating environmental activity data lies with the Corporate Procurement & Real Estate department for the headquarters and with the respective management teams for the ProSiebenSat.1 assets. The Group Sustainability Office is responsible for CO2e accounting, determining other reported environmental performance indicators, and reporting and communicating these. The Group Sustainability Office is also responsible in organizational terms for the management of climate and environmental protection measures to achieve climate-related corporate goals.


Total energy consumption within the Group came to around 33 gigawatt hours (previous year reference: 33 GWh) in the reporting period. The main areas of consumption were electrical energy with 16 GWh (previous year: 14 GWh) and demand for heating and cooling with 12 GWh (previous year: 13 GWh). The energy consumption of the vehicle fleet was 5 GWh (previous year: 5 GWh). Across all categories the share of energy from renewable sources in total consumption across all categories was 67% in 2023 (previous year: 66%).

Energy Intensity
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • Total Energy consumption in GWh1
  • 33.09
  • 33.26
  • _ energy from renewable sources
  • 21.19
  • 21.99
  • _ energy from non-renewable sources
  • 10.90
  • 11.27
  • Revenues in EUR m
  • 3,852
  • 4,163
  • Average FTE2
  • 7,310
  • 7,501
  • Energy consumption/revenues
    in MWh/Euro m
  • 8.59
  • 7.99
  • Energy consumption/average FTE
    in MWh/average FTE
  • 4.53
  • 4.43

1 Fuel types used: electricity (16.34 GWh), district heating & cooling (9.91 GWh), fuels vehicle fleet (5.05 GWh), fossil fuels (1.79 GWh).

2 The number of average employees is presented in full-time equivalents (FTE).



Reduction of operational emissions in 2022

Overall, ProSiebenSat.1 Group's operational emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2) fell by 13% in 2023 compared to the previous year. In the case of emissions from heat generation (stationary heating in Scope 1 and district heating and geothermal energy in Scope 2), there was a shift between Scope 1 and Scope 2 due to the increase in primary data coverage in the reporting year. In the previous year, the emissions of individual locations (around 160 tCO2e) were reported under Scope 2 (district heating and geothermal energy), which are reported in Scope 1 (stationary heating) in this reporting year due to additional information with regard to the energy source used. Adjusted for this effect, Scope 1 emissions are slightly below the previous year with stable emissions from stationary heating and Scope 2 emissions are still significantly below the previous year.

As in the previous year, the decrease in ProSiebenSat.1 Group's direct emissions (Scope 1) is mainly due to the reduced emissions from the vehicle fleet. The Group is undergoing an incremental transformation to switch completely to locally emission-free e-mobility. During the reporting period, all pool vehicles available at the headquarters in Unterföhring were replaced with fully electric models. There are more than 80 charging stations at the campus in Unterföhring and this number will increase to over 100 during the first quarter of 2024. The charging points are powered exclusively by green electricity. Apart from charging pool and company cars, employees can also use them for their private vehicles.

Also relevant for direct emissions are stationary heating and the operation of the emergency standby systems at the broadcasting site in Unterföhring, which run on light heating oil in the event of disruption to the electricity supply.

Indirect emissions caused by the generation of purchased energy (Scope 2) declined by 456 tCO2e year on year to 918 tCO2e. In addition to the conversion of further locations to a power supply from renewable energies, this is primarily due to lower emissions from district heating and geothermal energy. In addition to the effect of increased primary data coverage, the energy-saving measures implemented in the 2022/2023 heating period were continued in this area, further reducing the demand for heat.

The emissions recorded for the upstream and downstream value chain (Scope 3) apart from generation and transmission losses in the energy supply (27%) primarily arise from employee commuting (30%) and business travel (44%). The other emission categories of the upstream and downstream value chain (Scope 3) are currently being analyzed, and we plan to include these in our official CO2e footprint as part of the accession process for the Science Based Targets initiative.

Across all recorded emission categories (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3), an increase of 17% is recorded. This increase is primarily driven by higher emissions from business travel, which are due in particular to the increase in emission factors per flight kilometer compared to the previous year and the further increase in travel activity. Generation and transmission losses in the energy supply not included in Scope 1 and 2 (Scope 3) have also risen due to the overall increase in electricity consumption and the country-specific calculation method used for the first time this year. Also, emissions from employee commuting have increased further due to increased presence in the office in 2023. As in previous years, ProSiebenSat.1 Group plans to offset 10% of the total emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3) by purchasing certificates from climate protection projects selected according to defined criteria.

Carbon Foorprint of ProSiebenSat.1 Group
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (CO₂ equivalent) in metric tons¹
  • 2023
  • Change
  • 2022
  • Scope 1 - Direct greenhouse gas emissions
  • 1,683
  • 4%
  • 1,618
  • Vehice Fleet2
  • 1,308
  • 7%
  • 1,401
  • Emergency power supply
  • 26
  • 4%
  • 25
  • Stationary heating
  • 349
  • 82%
  • 19210
  • Scope 2 - Indirect greenhouse gas emissions3
  • 918
  • –33%
  • 1,373
  • Electricity4
  • 409
  • –4%
  • 428
  • District heating and geothermal energy5
  • 509
  • –46%
  • 94610
  • Scope 3 - Greenhouse gas emissions fromupstream and downstream stages of the value chain
  • 10,685
  • 27%
  • 8,399
  • Fuels and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2
  • 2,835
  • 19%
  • 2,373
  • Waste from operating processes
  • 12
  • 35%
  • 18
  • Employee commuting
  • 3,185
  • 15%
  • 2,758
  • Business travel6,7
  • 4,653
  • 43%
  • 3,250
  • Operational emissions (Scope 1 und 2)
  • 2,600
  • –13%
  • 2,991
  • Total emissions (Scope 1, 2 und 3)8,9
  • 13,285
  • 17%
  • 11,390

1 In determining the carbon footprint, we followed the criteria and definitions of the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The data collection was based on internal guidelines. In addition, we used the following standards to calculate our carbon footprint and selected data on indirect CO2e emissions (Scope 3): Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Protocol of the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). All of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group's own sites and employees were included in the carbon footprint. The coverage with measurement data in Scope 1 and 2 is 97% (previous year: 82%). We used the market-based method for the calculation.

2 Excluding electricity for EVs.

3 Scope 2 emissions according to the location-based method amounted to 7,679 tCO2e in the reporting period (previous year: 6,599 tCO2e).

4 The location-based emissions in the electricity category amounted to 5,899 tCO2e in the reporting period (previous year: 4,477 tCO2e).

5 The location-based emissions in the category district heating and geothermal energy amounted to 1,780 tCO2e in the reporting period (previous year: 2,123 tCO2e).

6 Plane, train, rental car, taxi and public transport.

7 In the business travel category, 452 tCO2e were offset in the reporting period (previous year: 599 tCO2e).

8 Total emissions according to the location-based method amounted to 20,047 tCO2e in the reporting period (previous year: 16,616 tCO2e).

9 The remaining non-reduced and non-compensated emissions in the reporting period were 12,833 tCO2e (previous year: 10,791 tCO2e).

10 In the previous year, the emissions of individual locations (around 160 tCO2e) were reported under Scope 2 (district heating and geothermal energy), which are reported in Scope 1 (stationary heating) in this reporting year due to additional information with regard to the energy source used.

GHG Emissions Intesity
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • GHG emissions in metric tons CO2e
  • 13,285
  • 11,390
  • Revenues in EUR m
  • 3,852
  • 4,158
  • Average FTE1
  • 7,310
  • 7,501
  • GHG emissions/revenues
    in metric tons/EUR m
  • 3.45
  • 2.74
  • GHG emissions/average FTE
    in metric tons/average FTE
  • 1.82
  • 1.52

1 The number of average employees is presented in full-time equivalents (FTE).

Disclosures in accordance with the EU Taxonomy Regulation

With the "European Green Deal," the European Commission is pursuing a plan to organize the European economy more sustainably lines in the future and especially to direct capital flows into sustainable economic activities. To enable the categorization of economic activities according to their sustainability, the European Commission has created a classification system with the Taxonomy Regulation.

In general, the Taxonomy Regulation has to date mainly covered those economic activities that are responsible for the most CO2 emissions within Europe. At present, the majority of ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s business activities are not covered by the Taxonomy Regulation. However, this does not imply that ProSiebenSat.1 makes no contribution to environmental protection or to climate change mitigation in particular. We are aware of the Group’s responsibility due to the reach of our TV stations and digital platforms, and will continue to keep our target groups informed and raise awareness of environmentally relevant issues.

Detailed information on how ProSiebenSat.1 Group has expanded and updated the consideration of taxonomy-eligible economic activities for the financial year 2023, checked their taxonomy conformity where required and subsequently determined the corresponding taxonomy KPIs in relation to revenues, capital expenditure and operating expenses can be found in the Climate & Environment section of the Sustainability Report.

Sustainability Chapter in the Annual Report

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
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