

Bert Habets
»That is the beauty of the brand name: join us and start creating new formats for this platform.«
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Action Areas

With our entertainment and commerce offerings, we address millions of viewers, users and customers across all platforms every day. We are aware of the high level of attention for our products and offerings and recognize that it imposes a special obligation on us: With our offerings and particularly our content, we have a social responsibility and contribute to shaping public opinion (public value). At the same time, we are committed to our society and using our media reach for social purposes (corporate citizenship).

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Public value

60 million

People in our core market Germany were reached per month in 2023 with our free and pay TV stations

We generate public value by raising public awareness of socially relevant issues through our programs and campaigns. The term "public value" is used to describe the value and benefits that an organization contributes to society. This approach, which is stipulated in the program principles of the German Interstate Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag – MStV), requires that private-sector broadcasters express the diversity of opinions in their content and allow important political, ideological, and societal stakeholders to have their say in an appropriate manner. In addition, the MStV guarantees that media offerings that are particularly relevant to the shaping of public opinion and contribute to media diversity will be easier to find on media platforms. ProSieben, SAT.1, and Kabel Eins were considered to offer public value with their broadcasting and telemedia offerings.

With the action area of "Public Value & Corporate Citizenship," ProSiebenSat.1 emphasized the aspects of opinion-forming and placement of socially relevant topics as key components of its sustainability commitment. Our goal in this respect is to integrate these aspects more strongly into our TV stations’ programming and on our digital platforms. The Group Sustainability Office and the sustainability segment leads in the three segments work to increase public value content by communicating the sustainability strategy in the Group and driving the continual dialogue with the relevant interfaces throughout the Group.

We aim to reach all social groups and, above all, to address young people appropriately. We believe we have a responsibility to explain and contextualize current social and political developments for our viewers and users. We are systematically pursuing this ambition: Since January 2023, Seven.One Entertainment Group has produced all the broadcasting group’s news formats itself at an in-house newsroom with a staff of around 60. In addition to studios at our headquarters in Unterföhring, we operate a capital city studio very close to the German government at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Since 2023, the news broadcasts on ProSieben, SAT.1 and Kabel Eins along with all news offerings in the digital domain and on Joyn are bundled under the shared :newstime brand with the aim of delivering a more comprehensive and consistent journalistic offering for various target groups around the clock.

For further information on journalistic due diligence and the independence of editorial work, please refer to the section Governance & Compliance

13 billion

video views a month on YouTube alone generated by Studio71 with around 1,350 channels in 2023

Apart from traditional news formats, we also want to incorporate socially and politically relevant topics in our programs and engage with people on an equal footing. Regular program priorities include the areas of climate and the environment as well as diversity, equality, and social cohesion.

For example, as part of "Green Seven Week," we implemented formats such as the report "Wie die Natur uns vor dem Klimawandel schützt – 5 Ideen, die Hoffnung machen" (How nature protects us from climate change – five ideas that give us hope) or several articles in the "Galileo" and "taff" magazine shows, which used the slogan "Let’s save the planet!" to focus on overcoming environmental problems. For the 15th time, ProSieben highlighted sustainability and environmental issues under the "Green Seven" label.

Another focus is our partnership with the Special Olympics World Games, which were held in Germany for the first time in 2023. As the world’s largest inclusive sporting event, the Special Olympics are committed to achieving greater recognition and social participation for people with disabilities. Among other things, we reported daily on the event in our magazine shows such as "SAT.1 Frühstücksfernsehen," "taff" and "Galileo" and supplemented our reporting with a cross-media awareness campaign entitled "#Zusammenunschlagbar" (unbeatable together). The commitment was extended for the Special Olympics National Games in Germany in January and February 2024.

In the show "Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben" (Beat the Channel), the two presenters Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf compete for a 15-minute slot in prime time that they can use however they wish. They use the time that they win to garner attention for current events and relevant topics. In 2023, for example, the hosts of "Joko & Klaas LIVE: Die Schatzsuche" (Joko & Klaas LIVE: Treasure Hunt) sent viewers of the gameshow in search of new potential stem cell donors in the joint fight against blood cancer.

In addition, we regularly position ourselves through awareness campaigns on socially relevant topics such as diversity in society (e.g. ProSieben campaigns on the occasion of the International Day against Racism and Christopher Street Day) and gender equality (SAT.1 campaign for International Women's Day 2023).


Since January 2020, ProSiebenSat.1 has been a signatory tot he United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), expressly committing itself to ist ten principles in the area of human rights, labour standards, environment and climate, and the prevention of corruption.

For further information on social responsibility in the segments Dating & Video and Commerce & Venture, please refer to the annual report here.

Corporate citizenship

"Help for Helpers"- this is the motto of the startsocial competition co-founded by ProSiebenSat.1 in 2001, which promotes voluntary work in the social sector. Around 500 experts from business, the public sector and social institutions throughout Germany support volunteer projects in their practical implementation.

In addition to our public value measures, we use the wide reach of our stations and platforms to bolster our commitment to corporate citizenship. We see corporate citizenship as an expression of our responsibility as a company and member of society to do good.

Providing aid for emergencies and disasters is a key pillar of our commitment to corporate citizenship. For us, this means pairing our million-strong reach and expertise in the media sector with the many years of experience of charitable partners. ProSiebenSat.1 provides charitable organizations with gross media volumes at a discount or pro bono, up to a single-digit million euro amount in individual cases, so that they can provide important humanitarian emergency aid. In addition, we also provide media volumes in support of other charitable organizations that make a positive contribution to our society. As a founding member, ProSiebenSat.1 Group has thus amongst others supported the association startsocial since 2001. In addition to media volume, employees have been supporting the initiative on a voluntary basis as coaches, jury members and on the Advisory Board for several years. startsocial promotes voluntary social engagement all over Germany and, with the German Chancellor as its patron, presents awards and allocates advisory grants to outstanding voluntary initiatives.

Through various charitable, local initiatives or company volunteering projects, our employees are actively engaged in further climate and environment as well as social projects throughout the Group. In addition, the Group, subsidiaries and employees regularly organize fund raising campaigns for charities.

Advisory board

For more than a decade, the Group has placed its activities in the public value domain in a larger social context and has underscored their relevance for the Group by establishing an Advisory Board. The interdisciplinary body chaired by Bavaria’s former minister-president Dr. Edmund Stoiber advises ProSiebenSat.1 Group on relevant social, ethical and media policy issues and provides impetus on important topics such as education and culture.

Advisory Board of the ProSiebenSat.1 Group

• Dr. Edmund Stoiber, former Bavarian Minister President (Chair)
• Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, President Emeritus of the TU Munich
• Prof. Bodo Hombach, President of the Bonn Academy for Research and Teaching of Practical Politics, former Head of the Federal Chancellery and former Federal Minister for Special Tasks
• Maximilian Schöberl, Head of Corporate Communications and Politics and Chief Representative of the BMW Group

Sustainability Chapter in the Annual Report


Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Heidi Brückl
»The expression 'rise to the occasion' takes on new meaning.«
In this interview, Heidi Brückl, Henning Kruse and Tobias Gramann tell us how they produced "The Taste" under pandemic conditions and what challenges they had to overcome.
Close your eyes and watch – A blind man entering TV
»Blind and TV go togehter quite well«
Alex is a trainee at ProSiebenSat.1. In the column "Close your eyes and take a look: a blind man at TV", he regularly reports on his special view of the latest news about the company, TV programming or his work.
For more than 20 years, ProSiebenSat.1 employees have supported social initiatives with their expertise in a wide range of areas.
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