
Human Rights

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The Policy Statement is the binding basis for the implementation of human rights standards at the ProSiebenSat.1 Group.

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Policy Statement

For ProSiebenSat.1 Group, respect for human rights, compliance with labour and social standards as well as protection of the environment are integral components of sustainable corporate governance. We are aware of our responsibility to uphold human rights and protect the environment – and aim to operate where we can contribute to prosperity and development. Only through such efforts can we be successful as a company in the long term.

As a company, we expect our employees and suppliers to be committed to respecting human rights, protecting the environment and to share our convictions and values. Our expectations regarding the behavior of our employees are communicated clearly and comprehensibly in our Code of Conduct. It therefore also represents a behavioral guideline. Our expectations and values in relation to suppliers are also anchored in the Conduct for Business Partners, which transparently formulates our expected behavior and forms the basis for our business relationships. The policy statement thus expands and clarifies the requirements for respecting human rights set out in our Code of Conduct.

Policy Statement
Annual Report 2023
Executive Board Podcast
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
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Accessibility from subtitles for “Forrest Gump“ to sign language
15 minutes of awareness
15 minutes of awareness
15 minutes of prime-time airtime for Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, who won their show "Joko & Klaas vs. ProSieben" against the most famous ProSieben station faces.
Bert Habets
»That is the beauty of the brand name: join us and start creating new formats for this platform.«
Our Group CEO Bert Habets was a guest in the “Late Night Berlin” studio and spoke with host Klaas Heufer-Umlauf about his start at ProSiebenSat.1, his plans for the company and the role of the streaming platform Joyn. Watch the complete interview in the video!
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