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Corporate Governance

We believe that sustainable economic success in competition is only possible based on integrity and legitimate business practices. The main objective of the Compliance Management System at ProSiebenSat.1 Group is to ensure that all employees always think and act with integrity and in accordance with the guidelines and regulations. In this way, we can preclude and prevent violations of laws and regulations.

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Investor Relations
Annual General Meeting 2024

Go to Compliance documents

Responsible action requires attitude and thrives on continuity. For this, we have a framework of values we live as a Group. We have a social responsibility, and we take it very seriously – also through our commitment to take compliance seriously in our day-to-day business activities. We are committed to forming opinion and promoting democracy and use our coverage for socially relevant issues.

Compliance Management System

An effective compliance management system (CMS) is the foundation of good corporate governance. It sets the tone on how an organization operates and has an effect both internally and to the market generally.

A well-designed and well-implemented and therefore effective CMS will support ProSiebenSat.1 Group to demonstrate its commitment to comply with relevant laws and regulations not only vis-à-vis third parties, but also internally.

In addition to preventing corruption, our CMS particularly focuses on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, compliance with sanctions & embargoes, as well as legal provisions on data protection. Important tools for implementation are our code of conduct and whistleblower system.

The Compliance Committee and the Group Compliance department headed by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) build up the central compliance organisation, which receive assistance in fulfilling its duties from experts in other departments, such as the Legal department.

In addition, the associated Group companies have been appointed Unit Compliance Officers (UCO), who are responsible for the CMS there and are in direct contact with the respective subject experts. There is a regular exchange between all members of the compliance organisation.

Code of Conduct
"We" is More Important to Us than "I"

Our Code of Conduct provides us with orientation and a binding framework – both for our interpersonal relationships and for our business partners, customers, suppliers, and other third parties. The Code of Conduct is binding on all ProSiebenSat.1 Group employees worldwide. The Executive Board, managers and executives are responsible for actively exemplifying the Code of Conduct and setting an example.

Integrity Is Our Top Priority

For our business partners, customers, suppliers and other third parties, there is therefore a code of conduct for business partners, which is based, among other things, on the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN), the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the labour and social standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Whistleblower system

Another important component of the CMS besides the Code of Conduct is the whistleblower system. Our whistleblower system guarantees the highest possible protection for whistleblowers and affected persons. There are several points of contact to which our employees as well as external whistleblowers can turn if they have a suspicion of possible violations of the law and want to draw attention to them. We check every report and follow it up consistently. Investigations shall be conducted in the strictest confidence. All information is processed in a fair, fast and secure process.

The ProSiebenSat.1 Group expressly commits itself to the prohibition of discrimination against whistleblowers. Whistleblowers do not have to fear disadvantages or other negative consequences if a statement made by them in good faith turns out to be inaccurate.

We ask our employees and externals to report to us about possible violations of the law. Therefore, we would like to provide a variety of contact points and do not limit the nature of the legal violations to be reported. For reports of (possible) legal violations, the following are available: Group Compliance, the Unit Compliance Officer, the respective HR Business Partners, Corporate Security, Works Council and Legal Affairs. The first and most important point of contact for our employees is their direct supervisor. In addition, employees can of course contact the works council at any time.

Report hints – where and how?

The easiest way to submit a report is via our electronic reporting system. You can access it free of charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at

You can also use the electronic whistleblower system to submit tips anonymously if you wish. Reports can be submitted as text or voice messages in the language of your choice.

Please make a note of the access data provided to you when submitting the tip, as this is the only way you will be able to access the process again later and communicate with us (anonymously). Group Compliance will review the report and, if necessary, forward it to the relevant department within the Group for processing.

The rules of procedure with regard to the handling of notices concerning the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (SCDDA) can be found here.

Group Compliance

Of course, the Group Compliance team is also available for confidential discussions.

phone: + 49 89 95071704

Otherwise, you can also contact Group Compliance as follows:

via letter: ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, Group Compliance, Medienallee 6, 85774 Unterföhring

Further external reporting channels

Please note that in addition to the reporting channels operated by the ProSiebenSat.1 Group, external reporting channels are also available. Country overview

  • General Information on the Whistleblower System

    You can submit your report in different ways. The easiest way to submit a report is via our electronic reporting system. You can access it free of charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at In addition, you can also reach us (by phone or Post under the above contact details).

  • Information on Data Processing

    In the following, you will find the most important information on the processing of your personal data in connection with your whistleblowing. You can find more information on this in our general information for whistleblowers and in the data protection note in our electronic whistleblowing system.

  • Complaints about the TV program and our websites

    Please note that questions or complaints concerning our TV program or websites should not be raised with the whistleblower office, but with the respective broadcaster – unless these questions or complaints concern matters of criminal law, such as hate crimes, display of anti-constitutional symbols or similar.

Annual Report 2023
Executive Board
Interview with Group CEO Bert Habets
Investor Relations
Annual General Meeting 2024
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